Your Time is Running Out

this image is being used to illustrate time running out
Your time running out. Image by Aron Visuals

What are you doing with your time?

What are you living for?

The time ticks by whether we care or not. Our hours here on earth are numbered. There’s nothing we can do that will extend our time here. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. We don’t ever get it back.

And people are wasting their valuable free time. Some are partying and drinking mindlessly. They go on these adventures for years until one day they wake up.

They realize they wasted years of their life. Life they can never get back. They are still STUCK in the same place.

A place they could have been freed from.

But what was it all for?

What do they have to show for their time other than an older, aging body, less energy, and potentially worsened health?

We were taught to do well in school, get a job, and live a “good” life.

The jobs we work make us unhappy so we crave a release. We want instant gratification of fun and freedom with things like partying, drinking, eating, television, and spending. But many people become addicted to this “living” and now need to keep a job they hate to fund these escapes.

This keeps us in a vicious cycle.

They used their time doing some of these things to ‘release’ but didn’t use their time productively so they could break out.

How you spend your time will determine your skills and where you end up.

I’ll give you some examples.

Gaining a vast amount of knowledge = exposing yourself to new information.

An impressive physique = time spent working out, and eating right.

Great guitar skills = time spent playing guitar.

Being a skilled painter or writer = time working on your art.

Owning a successful business = countless hours spent building and thinking about the business every waking moment.

Being a successful comedian = spending hours bombing on stage and failing until it’s perfected.

Being comfortable talking to people and finally finding the person of your dreams = hours spent approaching, talking to, failing dates, and even coming off as creepy at times.

Being the best YOU, and becoming the person you’ve always dreamed of = time spent through introspection, taking in positive material and ideas, applying yourself, and breaking comfort zones.

Being broke, unhappy, and still feeling TRAPPED = too much time wasted drinking, partying, eating, and shopping, instead of listening to your calling.

Everyone who has something you admire has gotten there because of how they spent their time. They weren’t naturally born with these skills. Hard work beats natural talent every time.

But not you. You likely still have time left.

Maybe they played their cards right and made enough money to live comfortably so they could finally enjoy life. But they’re still working for someone else. They might have money but they still have to be at work on Monday morning.

But they’ve spent their life focused on the wrong things.

They tried to make money NOW. But they have to keep working to maintain their comfortable lifestyle otherwise the money flow will dry up. Work and commutes take up so much time they can’t spare any to enjoy the money they worked so hard for. So they spend it on “crap” to cope because they hate their job.

What good will all that money do for you if you have no real-time left to spend it on yourself after you clock out for the day?

What use is a “good and respectable” job on paper if you’re losing hair, and barely have time to enjoy anything or spend time with people because you’re working 80+ hours/week?

So when you finally have time off you’re nothing but a couch potato because you’re burned out?

I’ve seen this kind of situation ruin lives & relationships.

You’re trading your time for money when you work a job. It also makes you dependent on someone else to pay your bills. When you trade your time for money instead of investing your time for money you’ll always be a time slave.

You can always get lost money back, but never your lost time.

You wouldn’t give your boss your money to invest it for you… So why are you giving them your most valuable asset? Your time. Working a job steals your most awake, productive hours from you.

Invest in yourself and use your time to benefit you! You’ll be 100x richer and 100x freer when you work on your ambitions than you ever will working for your boss.

Work on something meaningful. It will keep you sharp and sane. When you get good at it I recommend you turn that into a full-time business so you can quit your job and steal back your soul!

Wake up.

The world is changing. The people who cut out the middleman and provide goods and services to each other like it was at the beginning of time are the ones succeeding. These people are known modernly as Entrepreneurs.

Working for a company doesn’t cut it anymore. You’ll never be paid enough because, at the end of the day your boss has to make money off of your back.

Prices rise year after year and your paycheck can’t keep up, leaving you just over broke. You’re trapped in the rat race so you’re forced to keep running back to the bossman because you’re broke once again.


You start your “side hustle”.

Then you share it online.

Get a wristwatch and start paying attention to how you spend your time.

Spend your time on things that matter like people you care about and things you enjoy but don’t overdo it.

There’s nothing wrong with blowing off steam and enjoying yourself. If you don’t, you will burn out.

Just make your passion your number one priority.

Time is precious… the power is in your hands, so choose wisely.

So stop wasting any more time and get after it!

Your friend,


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