Gym Essentials You Need to Have

Image by Alexandra Tran, Unsplash.

Today I am giving you a breakdown of some things I like to use or have with me when I work out.

Note: These items can help you achieve a better overall gym experience. They will not however replace hard work and dedication. Don’t go out and buy everything I list below thinking you can’t work out without them. When I started working out I bought into all the fitness consumer culture when there was no real benefit. I thought I had to have special gym clothes, supplement powders, and shaker cups so I bought a bunch of crap before I lifted my first dumbbell. Let me be clear. You do not NEED these items for a great workout. They can however enhance your workout if you put in enough effort. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have them all or if you forget something along the way. Just work out anyway.

Let’s go.

The Essentials:

1. Water Bottle

This is straightforward. If you don’t have water with you because you think you don’t need it you don’t push yourself hard enough. I’m sorry to say but aqua is numero uno!

Drinking lukewarm water in the middle of a workout isn’t very nice. The last thing you want is the awful taste of warm water when you’re hot and thirsty. I’ve had bottles of cold/ice water get lukewarm on me sooner than they should have.

The Yeti Tumbler mug is my go-to now because it keeps my water colder for longer than anything else I’ve used.

You can find it here.

If the Yeti is too pricey for you, find an insulated one for $20 and it’ll work great for gym purposes and you’ll always have a water bottle when you leave the house.

2. Earphones

Everyone at the gym listens to music at one point or another. A great playlist helps me stay focused and excited. The music drowns out other people and the distractions around me. It’s a tool that’s helped me push through hard workouts. I usually have them, but I’ve had days when my phone died or my headphones quit. This has negatively impacted my mood occasionally and this is an issue. Although earphones are a great tool, they can be too heavily relied on.

(What did I say earlier? It’s nice to have these things but you don’t need them. When you need your music and don’t have your headphones it will zap your motivation.)

I use the Jabra Elite Active 75t’s. I love that they have physical buttons for music skipping when I’m wearing gloves.

You can find them here.

Update: I currently use the 2nd generation Apple AirPod Pros. Although the noise cancellation isn’t as good as the Jabra’s, I was getting fed up with the constant connectivity issues so I switched over.

You can find them here.

A Skipping Rope

This one is overlooked and unfortunately, cardio is underestimated. Many guys gravitate to weights and neglect cardio, but it’s great for your heart and keeps you in shape. Treadmills, ellipticals, and stair masters can get annoying so a simple skipping rope can bring variety to your workouts. It also gives you the freedom to do your cardio outside of the gym. Want to do cardio in the park after the gym? Nothing is stopping you now!

You can find the skipping rope I use here.

Resistance Bands

Are you bored of doing the same exercises over and over? Resistance bands are your perfect solution. They offer your workouts a nice variety in addition to traditional weights. The best part? Bands are lightweight, portable, and always there when your favourite machines are in use.

Are the cable machines being occupied by time wasters? Whip out your resistance bands and continue your workout – no more waiting! I love these because they give you the freedom to work out anytime, anywhere. They may seem easy because they aren’t heavy, but oh boy, they can give you a grueling workout.

You can find the bands I use here.


Honestly, gyms can be pretty gross. When people are sweating all over the machines and equipment, germs are everywhere. Wear gloves so you never have to touch nasty sweat-covered machine handles again.

Also, gloves are a must if you want to try resistance bands. Workouts without gloves will tear up the skin on your hands. If you don’t like constantly having callouses and broken skin on your hands. Wear your gloves, save your hands, and still look like you work out.

The gloves that I like to wear can be found here.


This is almost always a necessity for me. I’m drained after workouts. I used to sit in my car for 30+ minutes afterwards trying to summon enough energy to get into my house. The fast-acting sugar from fruit juice will give you the energy to get to your post-workout meal.

Sugar is not always the enemy. There is this negative stigma about it being the devil. You worked your ass off, so enjoy it. One sugary drink after a workout will not kill you, but several sodas throughout the week will. My personal favorite is apple juice. They say that apples are better than caffeine for waking you up. I can verify that this is true!

Other Items to Include:

A Portable Power Bank

Forget to charge your phone? Don’t stress, a portable battery will keep you going.

A Pad Lock

When you have things you want to store safely in a locker while you work out.

Protein Powder

Protein powder is great for bridging the gap between meals and supplying your body with nutrients after a workout until your post-workout meal.


To keep you from feeling nauseous during a workout, or to boost your energy levels after a workout.

I swear once I ate a tuna sandwich in between my sets. I think a few people at the gym looked at me weirdly but honestly, I didn’t care, they looked like crap anyways so who were they to judge me? That sandwich made a night and day difference in how I felt.

Meal Replacement Supplement Powder

This comes in handy if you won’t be able to eat straight after your workout. When I’m excited, anxious, or nervous I can’t eat. So I like taking meal replacements because obviously, I still have to eat.

Keep in mind: whatever supplement you take – it will never replace real food. Real food is always, ALWAYS priority and will always give you better results.


BCAA’s supply your body with nutrients during your workout. I don’t typically use them however, they can help prevent you from feeling dizzy during a workout. BCAA’s can be like a trampoline to help you finish your workout if you’re feeling a little weak, especially if you didn’t eat enough food beforehand.

Creatine allows your muscles to hold more water which can slightly increase the weight you can lift.

A Shaker Cup

If you’re taking supplement powders you’ll want one of these. Check out the Vortex shaker cup, it doesn’t use a shaker ball so there’s no need to worry about washing or losing your shaker ball.


Maybe you can’t get home for a shower right now. Keep some deodorant with you to keep the people around you from fainting. (I rarely shower at the gym, I don’t enjoy seeing naked old people or dealing with potential fungal infections).

Foot Powder

Seriously, don’t overlook this one. Your feet sweat. You can’t avoid it. It’s just the way it is. Keeping your feet dry is essential if you want to keep your feet looking healthy and stink-free. Sweaty feet can lead to a nasty case of athlete’s foot or toenail fungus. Sprinkle this on your feet before you put on your socks and wear breathable mesh-style shoes. I like to use powder spray inside my shoes to keep them dry and smelling great. I find the spray is less messy than the powdered versions.

A Good Pair of Shoes

Some people like to wear flat-soled shoes for leg days and running shoes for cardio. I wear my white Chuck Taylor’s. Converse shoes are very affordable compared to normal lifting shoes and still get the job done. Just make sure to buy them in the WIDE style. Regular Chuck’s are too narrow. Many people complain about foot pain, so the wides are not only more comfortable but also protect your pinky toenails from getting permanently damaged.

A Spare T-Shirt

Change your shirt to prevent yourself from looking like you’re competing in a wet T-shirt contest after a gym session.

A Pre-Workout supplement/Coffee/Caffeine Pills

I love taking a pre-workout before the gym. Sometimes you can find one that comes with BCAA’s & Creatine included. If you don’t already know, I’m a caffeine addict! I’m usually already super tired from my physically demanding job so I need the boost or I’ll be asleep. Caffeine pills are nice too because they are handy, portable, and work the same.

A Gym Towel

To wipe off your sweat so you don’t leave a mess.


When you work out in the park and want to avoid a sunburn.

But Most Important:

Your best workout attire that makes you look great. This can be an excellent motivator! I usually wear a nice fitting T-shirt, sweatpants & a baseball cap. Simple.

If you aren’t there yet, don’t worry. Just show up and wear what you feel comfortable in, do your best, and stay committed.

In Conclusion

Remember, these things are nice to have with you because they can improve your workouts but you never want them to become a crutch. Forget your headphones? F*k it. You can do without. Working out is about pushing past your comfort zone and adapting to whatever life throws at you.

Sometimes, I bring the bare minimum or nothing at all. Only my headphones & a water bottle. I can shower and change when I get home.

Good luck! Now go out there and push yourself past your limits.

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